Cinema 4D的终极指南本培训课程旨在使您从一无所知,或者对Cinema 4D一无所知,并教给您所有基本技能,以便您可以自己开始工作。Ozgur是极少数Maxon Certified Instructors认证讲师之一,他将向您展示如何从头开始创建3D项目,并完成3D工作流的整个过程,包括建模、照明、纹理、动画和渲染。在此过程中,您将学到无数的技巧和窍门以及行业标准技术。如果你是一个平面设计师,希望为你的工作增加额外的维度,或者也许是一个二维运动设计师,希望把你的动画技能提升到一个新的水平,那么本课程就是为你准备的。作为一个设计师,如果你把3D技术加入到你的技能中,你可以赚更多的钱,这已经不是什么秘密了。这门课程的目的是教你只需要知道,以便宣传自己作为一个三维设计师。本培训课程包含超过8小时的直观和易于遵循的教程,是您开始3D旅程所需的全部内容。在每个教程中,都会有一个练习文件,您可以下载并跟随它。如果你已经准备好升级你的设计游戏,进入3D世界,让我们开始吧!
The ultimate guide to Cinema 4D.This training course has been prepared to take you from knowing nothing, or just a little about Cinema 4D and teach you all the fundamental skills so you can start working on your own.Ozgur, who is one of the very few Maxon Certified Instructors in the world is going to show you how to create a 3D project from scratch, and go through the entire process of a 3D workflow, including modelling, lighting, texturing, animating and rendering.Along the way, you will learn countless tips and tricks as well as the industry standard techniques.If you are a graphic designer, looking to add that extra dimension to your work, or perhaps a 2D motion designer looking to take your animation skills to the next level, then this course is for you. It is no secret that you can earn more as a designer if you add 3D to your skillset. This course is designed to teach you just you need to know in order to advertise yourself as a 3D designer. HOME –
C4D教程-终极指南大师版课程 Cinema 4D Masterclass: The Ultimate Guide to Cinema 4D