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C4D教程-三维场景特效合成制作学习 Lynda – Cinema 4D R23 Essential Training: VFX (英文字幕)


C4D教程-三维场景特效合成制作学习 Lynda – Cinema 4D R23 Essential Training: VFX (英文字幕)插图

Cinema 4D已成为制作流程中必不可少的工具,并提供了用于构建视觉效果(VFX)的一组出色功能。在本课程中,您可以探索Cinema 4D工作流程,以创建VFX并将其集成到实景拍摄中。教师安迪·尼德姆(Andy Needham)首先从视觉特效(VFX)概述开始,包括您可能在好莱坞主要电影中看到过的启发性例子。他讨论了运动跟踪的重要性并开始动手,展示了如何使用C4D运动跟踪器跟踪和解决镜头。他还介绍了以各种行业标准格式导出和导入数据,创建材料和为3D快照照明。另外,展示了如何使用Voronoi Fracture分割对象,以及设置和合成多遍渲染。准备就绪后,您可以在课程结束时接受挑战,以测试您的新技能。


In this course, you can explore the Cinema 4D workflow for creating VFX and integrating them into live action shots. Instructor Andy Needham starts with an overview of VFX, including inspiring examples you may have seen in major Hollywood films. He discusses the importance of motion tracking and gets hands on, showing how to track and solve a shot using the C4D Motion Tracker. He also covers exporting and importing data in various industry-standard formats, creating materials, and lighting 3D shots. Plus, Andy shows how to break apart objects with Voronoi Fracture and set up and composite multipass renders. When you’re ready, you can take the challenge at the end of the course to test your new skills. HOME – https://www.lynda.com/CINEMA-4D-tutorials/Cinema-4D-R22-Essential-Training-VFX/2830016-2.html



C4D教程-三维场景特效合成制作学习 Cinema 4D R23 Essential Training: VFX (英文字幕)

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