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Cinema 4D R20.028 更新日志:
This is the service update 20.028 for Cinema 4D and BodyPaint 3D R20.
This update is highly recommended for all R20 users.
New Improvements in This Release
Fixed an issue with overwriting the content of folders named “work” on macOS.
Older Improvements in Previous Updates
Fixed an issue with large textures in BodyPaint 3D
Fixed an issue where Projection Painting no longer worked after moving the camera
Fixed several instances of missing API documentation
Fixed an issue with unnecessary defines
Fixed an issue in the cinema4dsdk example
Fixed an issue with BlockArray
Fixed an issue with the maxon::Quaternion class
Fixed an issue with the maxon::Complex class
Fixed an issue with accessing image format settings
Fixed an issue with missing AutoLocker class
Character Animation
Fixed a stability issue with weight painting after undo
Fixed an issue in the CAWeightMgr Python class
Fixed an issue with the Weight Manager’s user interface
Fixed an issue with the Cluster deformer
Color Chooser
Fixed an issue with the Color Chooser
Fixed a stability issue when calling ColorSwatchGroup.AddColor()
Fixed an issue where Pick Color From Screen returns an incorrect value
Fixed an issue where ColorSwatchGroup.GetColor() returns a SystemError
Fixed an issue with the ColorSwatchData.Load() Python function
Fixed an issue with the ColorSwatchData.AddGroup() Python function
Fixed an issue with Dynamics Body’s Aerodynamics settings
Fixed an issue with the Time Remapping of an Alembic Morph tag
Fixed some issues with the Frame parameter of an Alembic Morph tag
Fixed an issue where several animation parameters of the Alembic Morph tag were non-functional
Fixed an issue with baking an Alembic object
Fixed a stability issue with Bake as Alembic
Fixed an issue with Bake as Alembic not baking Field objects
Fixed an issue with Use Animation of an Alembic object
Fixed a stability issue with Bake as Alembic + Delete
Fixed an issue with the Heal and Stitch Modifications of the STEP import settings
Fixed an issue with the Combine Modifications of the STEP import settings
Fixed an issue with incompatible SOLIDWORKS files
Fixed an issue with the Stitch Modifications of the STEP import settings
Fixed an issue with empty folders that are created when importing SketchUp files
Fixed an issue with the SketchUp import generating not needed Null objects
Fixed an issue with opening Exchange files when the folder path has special characters
Fixed an issue with the Send project back… command of BodyPaint 3D
Fixed an issue with the Import and Export of preferences
Fixed an issue with the Substance Engine not being loaded when Cinema 4D is installed under a path with a non-ascii character
Fixed a refresh issue when using baked Vertex Maps
BodyPaint Exchange Plugin updated to Maya 2018
BodyPaint Exchange Plugin updated to 3ds Max 2019
Fixed an issue with the Presets of the OBJ export
Fixed a stability issue with rendering Hair objects to the Picture Viewer or Viewport
Help Browser
Fixed an issue with using a different language documentation than the one installed
Fixed an issue with the HUD display of Field’s Color Mode setting
Fixed an issue with Handles and Spherical or Cylindrical mapping in the Viewport
Fixed an issue with the Gradient preview in Viewport
Fixed an issue with some misspelled attributes of the Volume Builder
Fixed an issue with deleting the Filename of IES Light
Fixed an issue with the localization of the Nodes Commander
Fixed an issue with the dimensions of the Field list
Fixed an issue with missing Knot icons of the Gradient texture
Fixed an issue with the File Formats of Render Settings and Picture Viewer
Fixed an issue with the labeling of Knots within the Gradient bar
Fixed an issue with Ctrl+s triggering a zoom in the Gradient
Fixed an issue with handling the Knots of the Gradient texture
Fixed an issue with rotating the Material Preview
Fixed an issue with the Layer Fresnel of a PBR Material
Fixed an issue with an incorrect Material Preview
Material Node
Fixed an issue with multi-editing Node materials
Fixed an issue with previewing projection in Node materials
Fixed an issue with the Displacement Height of Node materials
Fixed an issue with adding a color using Add Layer
Fixed an issue with the Shape Input of the Scatter Node
Fixed an issue with the Projection Display
Fixed an issue with the Interpolation of the Gradient Node
Fixed an issue with closing the Nodes Commander
Fixed an issue with Node materials assigned to a Sky object
Fixed an issue with the Set as Start Node command not updating the Attribute Manager
Fixed an issue with MoGraph indices not working in Multi-Instance mode
Fixed an issue with navigating within the Material Editor
Fixed an issue with the Pick Color from Screen command in Node Editor
Fixed an issue with the Reload All Textures command and Node materials
Fixed an issue with the functionality of the Set Solo Node / Port command
Fixed an issue with the Trace Ray Node and Standard Renderer
Fixed an issue with connecting incompatible Node inputs and outputs
Fixed an issue with deleting IOR Presets within an Uber material
Fixed an issue with the Preview of the Any/All node
Fixed an issue with Team Render and the Cutout Material
Fixed an issue with the User Interface of Nodes Presets
Fixed an issue with importing Assets
Fixed an issue with Undo/Redo within the Node Editor
Fixed an issue with Copy/Paste Node materials and their corresponding Assets stored within the scene
Fixed an issue with the Node preview
Fixed an issue with the default value of the Length Node
Fixed an issue with the Color Picker returning incorrect values
Fixed an issue with incorrectly named Nodes
Fixed an issue with importing Assets to Assets list
Fixed an issue with the Group Nodes command
Fixed an issue with a missing Data Type within the Switch Node
Fixed an issue with the default value of Uber material’s Diffuse Color
Fixed an issue with undoing changes in an Uber material
Fixed an issue with the Blend modes of Layer Node
Fixed an issue with the Layer Set within the Image generator
Fixed an issue with Show Layer Content within the Layer Set
Fixed an issue with the Assets list
Fixed an issue with the Presets of the Transparency input
Fixed an issue with the PSD format and Node materials
Fixed an issue with Add and Remove Inputs of Node materials within Material Editor
Fixed an issue with the Intensity port of the Emission Node
Fixed an issue with gradients in the Falloff node not displaying correctly
Fixed an issue where the Uber Material preview scene changed after adjusting parameters
Fixed an issue where color changes to Gradient knots could not be undone
Fixed an issue where Nodes in Solo mode caused an incorrect display in the Viewport
Fixed an issue where a Node preset was using World coordinates
Fixed an issue with an image file missing in the Image Processing asset
Fixed an issue with changing the data type in nodes increasing memory consumption
Fixed an issue with Takes and color values
Fixed an issue with Gradient nodes
Material Manager
Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect arrow navigation behavior
Motion Tracker
Fixed an issue that prevented navigating the scene while retracking a Manual Track
Fixed an issue where Select All included only the top hierarchy level of the Track List
Fixed some issues with Manual Tracks starting before setting up parameters or position
Fixed an issue with the Delete Auto Tracks function
Fixed an issue with the Object Tracker Prefix function
Changed the default Axis of the Planar Constraint to Y
Fixed an issue with the handling of the Track Color Filter sliders
Fixed an issue with the Error Thresholds for Virtual Keyframes in the Object Tracker
Fixed an issue with undoing the creation of Keys individually
Fixed an issue with the available settings for Virtual Keyframes in the Object Tracker
Fixed an issue with parameter editing for multiple selected Tracks in the Object Tracker
Fixed an issue with the camera navigation in 2D Mode when Motion Tracker is deactivated
Fixed an issue with accidental Track selection while navigating the camera
Fixed an issue with Tracking being triggered by using the Lock / Unlock function
Fixed an issue with toggling the 2D Tracks mode from the Motion Tracker menu
Fixed an issue with using the Arrow keys to move Tracks
Fixed an issue with the cursor not showing the selected tool
Fixed an issue with the names of Color Filter presets not changing after modifying the settings
Fixed an issue with the Graph View of the Motion Tracker not displaying Trims
Fixed an issue with the Rekey Magnifier appearing briefly
Fixed a stability issue with the Generate Mesh function for Reconstruction
Fixed an issue with Volumes and Splines
Fixed a performance issue with the Volume Loader
Fixed a performance issue with complex Volume sequences
Fixed an issue with Volume Builder’s Perfect Primitive option
Fixed an issue with using a MoSpline inside a Volume Builder
Fixed a refresh issue with the Volume Builder in Viewport
Fixed an issue with the Reshape Filter and the Volume Builder
Fixed an issue with the representation of Volume Builder’s child objects in the Timeline
Fixed an issue with animating a Random Field inside a Volume Builder
Fixed an issue with the VolumeCommandData documentation
Fixed an issue with importing Volume objects
Fixed an issue with handling VolumeObject in Python
Fixed an issue with using multiple MoSpline objects inside a Volume Builder
Fixed an issue with the Volume Mesher and Phong shading
Fixed some stability issues with loading Volumes
Fixed a performance issue with loading Volumes
Fixed an issue with Volumes and Quick Shading in Viewport
Fixed an issue with the Volume Mesher and the Fit to Parent command of a Deformer object
Fixed a stability issue with Volume Builder’s Voxel Size
Fixed an issue with saving Volumes in the same folder
Fixed a refresh issue with Volume Builder’s child objects
Fixed an issue with the highlighting of some Volume Loader attributes
Fixed an issue with the Smooth and Reshape Filter’s Use as Deformer option
Fixed an issue with Fog Volumes and the Clamp Min option of a Field Layer
Fixed an issue with removing N-gons
Fixed an issue with Feature highlighting some primitive objects
Fixed an issue with UV Maps generated with the Matrix Extrude tool
Fixed a stability issue with the Matrix Extrude tool
Fixed a stability issue when using N-gons and a Custom Data tag
Fixed an issue with relative paths when saving Volume sequences
Fixed an issue with the size of Volume Meshes created from scaled objects
Fixed an issue where editing an object with PLA animation destroyed the mesh
Fixed a stability issue with the Slide tool
Fixed an issue with GridAccessorInterface.SetValue() and GridAccessorInterface.SetValueOnly()
Fixed an issue with VolumeToolsInterface.MeshToVolume()
Fixed an issue with c4d.VolumeBuilder.GetListEntryCount()
Fixed an issue with the MeshAttribute class
Fixed an issue with the c4d.VolumeObject class
Fixed an issue where the Volume Builder recalculated Point objects too often
Fixed an issue with the sampling of Fields in connection with Dynamics
Fixed an issue with the Viewport display settings for the Random Field
Fixed an issue with Motion Blur not working properly for Render Instances in the Cloner
Fixed an mapping issue with the Step Field not covering its full range
Fixed an issue with the Bounding Box Viewport mode for a Cloner not displaying correctly using grouped objects
Fixed an issue with the Color Shift mode of the Random Field in Noise mode delivering Black and White only
Fixed a precision issue with growth based on the Proximity Field Layer
Fixed an issue with a disabled Random Field remaining visible in the Viewport
Fixed a performance issue with Field sampling
Fixed an issue with the Smoothing deformer not working without a Field in its Falloff list
Fixed an issue with Dynamicsparticles ignoring the influence of Fields
Fixed an issue with creating Fields from objects via drag & drop
Fixed an issue with limits for the Radius and Height parameters of the Cylinder Field
Fixed a refresh issue when deleting an object referenced by a Field Layer
Fixed an interface issue with the legibility of the Field Layer label for a disabled Field.
Fixed an issue with the ShaderField not updating in the Viewport
Fixed an issue with Object Highlighting for Fields
Fixed an issue with the Field Freeze Layer clearing MoGraph Weight tags
Fixed a performance issue with Field sampling and multithreading
Fixed an issue with Deformers not supporting the Shader Field
Fixed an issue with the Clip to Shape option of Fields nested in a Group Field
Fixed a stability issue with the Point Object Field Layer
Fixed an issue with the Delay Field
Fixed an issue with copying & pasting Fields
Fixed an error in the documentation for FieldShared
Fixed a refresh issue with the Shader Field
Fixed an issue with transferring MoGraph selections via Fields
Fixed several stability issue connected with Fields
Fixed an issue with the color output of the Point Object Field Layer
Fixed a stability issue with Fields and Undo
Fixed an issue with synchronizing the start time of audio tracks and Sound Fields / Sound Effectors
Fixed a refresh issue with constantly recalculating Fields
Fixed an issue with changing the sequence of Fields in the Field list
Fixed a refresh issue with the Python Field
Fixed an issue where the Connect Object was not supported in the Spline Field Layer
Fixed an issue with accessing FieldList parameters in Python
Fixed a refresh issue with Fields as Deformer Falloff
Fixed a stability issue with FieldList.Sample()
Fixed an issue with Fields scaled to zero
Fixed an issue with Field parameter adjustments during playback
Fixed an issue with inconsistent Field layer names
Fixed a stability issue with the Point Object Field
Fixed an issue with object hierarchies as input for a Point Object Field
Fixed an issue with the naming of some Modifier Layers
Fixed a stability issue with Point Object Field Layers in very large scenes
Fixed an issue with Python being executed in a disabled Python Field
Fixed an issue with the Python Field and its Code Editor
Fixed several spelling errors in the Fields UI
Fixed an issue with resizing the Field list GUI
Fixed an issue with Viewport flashes caused by Decay/Delay Fields inside a Folder
Fixed an issue with the direction of the Field sampling space
Fixed an issue with updating Field-driven polygon selections
Fixed an issue with effect restriction in a Point Object Field Layer
Fixed an issue with duplicated geometry produced by a Field-driven Deformer
Fixed an issue with Field sampling in the Commandline Renderer
Fixed an issue in the documentation for FIELDLAYER_FLAG
Fixed a refresh issue with Cloners and Fields
Fixed an issue with simultaneously editing check boxes in the Field list of multiple effectors
Fixed a sorting issue in the Field Type menu
Fixed an issue with the behavior of the Field list when applying Fields to multiple Effectors
Fixed an issue with the confusable names of the Field list functions Delete and Erase
Fixed an issue with the orientation of the Objects for Field Layer Splines
Fixed an issue with the value and color variations of the Random Field
Fixed an issue with the UI color of the Field Objects menu
Fixed an issue where an increase in the Color Shift value did not provide the expected results
Fixed an issue where the Spline Field Layer was updated with every mouse click
Added an option for Frame-dependent Refreshes to support animated noise with the Shader Field
Fixed an issue with input fields in the Fields UI
Fixed a refresh issue when using Fields as a falloff source for the Morph Deformer
Fixed a refresh issue when changing Blending Modes
Fixed an issue where an incorrect icon was shown in the Field list
Fixed an issue where the Attribute Manager switched to a different set of attributes when changing tools
Fixed a refresh issue when enabling/disabling Fields
Fixed a refresh issue when deleting and replacing Point Objects from the Field list
Fixed an issue where Fields did not work in combination with the Wrap Deformer
Fixed an issue where the Falloff Shader produced incorrect results when used as source for a Shader Field
Fixed an issue with Fields not respecting locked Layers
Fixed an issue with Color Alpha not working in the Random Field
Fixed an issue with the Field Spline Object when the Distance Mode is Radius
Fixed an issue where animating the Opacity of Fields in Autokeying Mode created numerous keyframes
Fixed an issue where manipulating a Folder in the Field list had no effect on its Child objects
Fixed an issue where the MoWeight transfer was incorrectly saved/loaded
Fixed an issue where the default for the Alpha gradient in Color Remap caused unexpected results
Fixed an issue where Undo did not restore Field setups
Fixed an issue with the Color channel of the Random Field influencing parameters
Fixed an issue with editing a Field Layer created from multiple selected Deformer objects
Fixed several issues with the Fields UI
Fixed an issue with a Freeze Layer used within a Group Field
Unified the spelling within Fields
Fixed an issue with manipulating a Legacy Falloff
Fixed an issue with manipulating Fields
Fixed an issue with the Delay Field in Spring Mode
Fixed an issue with the Decay Layer in the Field list of MoGraph Effectors
Fixed an issue with the Random Field and Direction
Fixed an issue with Fields and continous Vertex Map updates
Fixed an issue with Fields and Freeze Layers
Fixed an issue with the range of Linear Fields
Fixed an issue with adding a Cloner object as a Spline object into the Field list
Fixed an issue with Poly FX and the Direction of Fields
Fixed an issue with Falloffs and Dynamics
Fixed an issue with Rigid Body Dynamics and Fields
Fixed an issue with Multi-Instance recognition in Python
Fixed an issue with Multi-Instance creation in Python
Fixed an issue with Multi-Instances and the Modify Clone functionality of Effectors
Fixed an issue with Multi-Instances and the Bounding Box display mode
Fixed an issue with the Viewport display and Texture projection of Multi-Instances
Fixed an issue where Multi-Instances were distorted
Fixed a spelling error in Multi-Instances
Fixed an issue with Multi-Instances in Random mode
Fixed an issue with Multi-Instances in Blend mode
Fixed an issue with Multi-Instances and nested Cloners
Fixed an issue with Detailing in Voronoi Fracture
Fixed an issue with a permanent status bar message for Voronoi Fracture
Fixed a stability issue with Voronoi Fracture
Fixed a stability issue with Formula Fields
Fixed an issue where the result of Clone rotation was influenced by the Instance settings
Fixed an issue where Undo did not restore deleted Fields
Fixed an issue with the displayed channel of Fields
Fixed an issue with the Python Editor in Subfields
Fixed an issue with the Falloff of the Python Effector
Fixed an issue with the Viewport refresh for Fields Remapping
Fixed an issue with the scaling of MoGraph Text
Fixed an issue with the Blend function of a Cloner object
Fixed an issue with displaying Deformer’s falloff
Node Editor
Fixed an issue with newly created categories in Assets list of Node Editor
Fixed an issue with the arrangement of Gradient node’s Input attributes
Fixed an issue with the behavior of the Edit Asset Mode
Fixed an issue with the Data Type of the Clamp node
Fixed an issue where muting a Wire was ignored for the BSDF Layer
Fixed an issue with opening the Node Editor
Fixed an issue with adding Inputs of the Material node
Fixed an issue with the input ports of the Color Grading node
Fixed an issue with Group node parameters being incorrectly overwritten by the Take Manager
Fixed an issue with the menu function of Propagate Port
Fixed an issue with creating custom IDs for Assets
Fixed an issue with updating to the latest Asset Version
Fixed an issue with the Commander where some commands were accidentally searchable
Fixed an issue with adding Presets to Scene Database
Fixed an issue with the Uber Material and Lock Overrides of the Take Manager
Fixed an issue with the Description and Preview area of the Resource Editor
Fixed an issue with wrong displayed knot parameters on the Node material’s Gradient bar
Fixed an issue with a knot parameter not being displayed on the Node material’s Gradient bar
Fixed an issue with the Paste Link command of Node Editor
Fixed an issue with the Context of the Transform node
Fixed an issue where the Material preview in Material Editor and Material Manager did not match
Fixed an issue that caused a freeze when editing Node settings
Fixed an issue where file assets caused incorrect Node previews
Fixed an issue with hidden ports
Fixed an issue where Material preview renders did not progress although the command to quit Cinema 4D had been cancelled
Fixed a stability issue with the Resource Editor
Fixed a stack overflow issue for Node materials
Fixed an issue with the 3D Preview Scene setting in preferences
Fixed an issue with Sort clones and ProRender
Fixed an issue with ProRender’s Static Noise option
Fixed an issue with a slow camera navigation using ProRender Preview
Fixed an issue with the Strength of the Subsurface Scattering shader
Fixed an issue with Direct and Indirect Illumination Multi-Passes
Fixed an issue with ProRender using the Interactive Render Region
Fixed an issue with rendering incorrect Alpha Channel when using dual GPU
Fixed an issue with ProRender and incorrect rendering in the Picture Viewer
Fixed an issue with transparent shadows when rendering with OpenCL
Fixed an issue with ProRender ignoring the Display Color of a referenced object
Fixed an issue with ProRender rendering a Subsurface Scattering shader to Viewport
Fixed an issue with the Subsurface Scattering shader and Reflectance
Fixed an issue with animating a Subsurface Scattering shader
Fixed a performance issue with ProRender
Fixed an issue with the Python console window
Fixed several issues with BaseDocument methods arguments
Fixed several issues with InstanceObject methods
Fixed an issue with BaseObject.GetAndCheckHierarchyClone()
Fixed an issue with VolumeData.CalcArea()
Fixed an issue with VolumeData.IlluminateSurfacePoint()
Fixed an issue with c4dpy not launching when output was made from a plugin while the initialization
Fixed an issue with generated code when parameter change occurs
Fixed an issue when an error occurs in state() function of a script
Fixed an issue with the maxon.ColorA data type
Fixed an issue with c4d.C4DPL_COMMANDLINEARGS
Fixed an issue in the default Script Manager script
Fixed an issue with custom Python modules
Fixed some issues in the Python interfaces for volume.framework
Fixed an issue with MAXON data type conversions
Fixed an issue with maxon.Vector and maxon.Color
Fixed an issue with c4d.CustomDataTag
Fixed an issue with the Python module IDs
Fixed an issue with maxon.DataDictionary
Fixed an issue where setting the default Preview scene in the Preferences was not working
Added functions for CustomDataTag in the Python API
Added functions SetImageSettingsDictionary() and GetImageSettingsDictionary() to the Python API
Fixed an issue with the Basic Properties of Tone Mapping in the Render Settings
Fixed an issue with the Multi-Pass settings for Reflectance
Fixed an issue with ignored Multi-Passes
Fixed a stability issue with the Fracture object
Take System
Fixed a refresh issue in the Take Manager
Fixed an issue with the Auto Take mode of Node materials
Fixed a stability issue with deleting Node overrides in the Take Manager
Fixed a stability issue when deleting Node Takes
Fixed a stability issue when deleting Node Takes
Texture Manager
Fixed an issue with selecting textures in Texture Manager
Fixed an issue with not assigned textures in Texture Manager
Fixed an issue with displaying HUD elements in Viewport
Fixed an issue with the Sound node of the XPresso Editor
Fixed an issue with the color gradient of Spherical Field
Fixed an issue with the Filter Types of Volume Builder’s Reshape Layer
Fixed an issue with missing resources on scene load
Fixed an issue with the corresponding keyboard shortcut for Show Help…
Fixed an issue with the Shutdown of the Education version
Fixed an issue with Fields performance in character animation context
Fixed an issue in the Porcupine modifier SDK example
Fixed an issue with loading the chess game
Fixed a stability issue with Cinerender R20 in Listen mode